Corporate Yoga, Office yoga, Online Yoga Classes, online yoga

We conduct Corporate Yoga sessions tailored to the needs of your organisation including workshops, regular and weekly classes.

30-minute Office Yoga session

The session will be quicker than a tea-break! However, the benefit derived will be immense. It will be a refreshing experience for the employees to restore and rejuvenate!

60-minute Office Yoga session

This program is best suited for employees to unwind and balance their body and mind to create a healthy lifestyle. It covers Pranayamas, Yoga for Eyes, Chair asanas, Facial Yoga, Meditiation and so on.

Interactive Yoga Awareness workshop

An interactive Yoga workshop is a great way of showing that “You care for your Employees!”. It creates awareness about the benefits of Yoga and how it can change their life for the better.”

Weekly / Monthly Office yoga classes

To make Yoga a regular practice for your employees, we conduct regular sessions at workplaces as per requirement. This way, they can reap maximum benefits and stay healthy!


Corporate Yoga, Office yoga, Online Yoga Classes, online yoga
Corporate Yoga, Office yoga, Online Yoga Classes, online yoga


A pranayama session is often the best choice for an almost-immediate result. It can quickly balance energies to help manage work related stress and provides instant calming. In the long term, the practice can help with all sorts of things, including anxiety, stress, depression, insomnia, improved focus, and, of course increased self-awareness.
Corporate Yoga, Office yoga, Online Yoga Classes, online yoga


Our eyes are looked upon as the windows to the soul. Working on computer screens for long hours is a necessity of today’s corporate world. Yoga for the eyes is an excellent way to help ease out overused muscles, reduce tension in eyes and help improve eyesight.
Corporate Yoga, Online Yoga Classes, office Yoga, Online Yoga


Chair Yoga is an excellent way for employees to stretch and loosen painful muscles and improve circulation. It also reduces anxiety, helps lower blood pressure, protects joints, and builds strength and balance. Chair asanas include Postural correction, Asanas for arms, neck, back, shoulders, Abdominal practices and Spine twisting asanas.
Corporate Yoga, Office yoga, Online Yoga Classes, online yoga


Facial exercises is a necessary part of Corporate Yogic practices as it strengthens the facial muscles, releases any tension in the face and neck, tightens the facial skin along with increasing blood circulation. It includes yoga for the ears, tongue, lips, mouth, chin, cheeks.
Corporate Yoga, Office yoga, Online Yoga Classes, online yoga


Shwasan Marg Shuddhi (Nasal passage cleaning) is a great way of improving the entire respiratory system. Another very effective kriya Kapalbhati, also known as the Forehead brightener, helps to oxygenate the body while strengthening the muscles of your stomach and abdomen. It also improves digestion, circulation and is mainly intended to clear the sinuses within the skull.
Corporate Yoga, Office yoga, Online Yoga Classes, online yoga


A 10-minute meditation break can do wonders for the workforce in an office. Practicing mindfulness and meditation has been shown repeatedly to improve our ability to sustain attention and decrease external and internal distractions. It helps employees think outside the box with improved creativity.
Corporate Yoga, Office yoga, Online Yoga Classes, online yoga
Corporate Wellness – Take a quick YOGA break from work!

Corporate Yoga at workplace is a time-tested practice that cultivates boundless levels of energetic and physical fitness.

Want to book a CORPORATE YOGA session for your Employees?