Yoga For Women's Health & Happiness
They are competent, versatile and successful - dynamic at work, and doting at home! They are the glue that hold many pieces of life together. Any tribute will fall short of the place women hold in our hearts and societies. But women are also stretched and stressed. While they look after everyone around them, who looks after them? The answer lies in Yoga - the balance that today’s ‘beauty with brains’ needs!
“Above all, be the heroine of your life, not the victim.” ― Nora Ephron
The ProblemIt is the day and age of the multifaceted & multitalented women, who handle their personal and professional lives with utmost finesse. However, stressful environments and constantly changing lifestyle have brought about some serious health issues that are affecting them.
Across the globe, women suffer from polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), polycystic ovarian disease (PCOD), breast cancer, cardiovascular diseases, osteoporosis, depression, etc. Also common are incidences of diabetes, stroke, hypertension, and obesity.
Yoga as a Blessing
As alarming as this may sound, it can surely be worked around.
Adopting healthy eating habits, steering clear of drinking habits, getting adequate sleep and ample physical exercise along with the practicing yoga through online yoga classes for ladies can help women get their health problems under control. Yoga For Women's help women's in many ways.
Yoga can be powerful for controlling the emotional, behavioral and physical symptoms of PMS.
Specific yoga poses that help in reducing PMS symptoms are –
- Child’s pose
- Cat pose
- Standing forward bend
- Fish pose
- Shavasana
- Crocodile pose
- Bridge pose
- Ardha matsyendrasan
Women have to be strong from within as they have to undergo the strenuous activity of bearing a child and going through the childbirth process. Not only outwardly, women also should have a strong system inside.
Ladies who attend yoga classes before, during and after pregnancy, experience almost no problem during and after childbirth.
Prenatal Yoga can help women keep themselves flexible and fit to be able to deliver normally without any complications. It also helps to strengthen their uterine muscles and support the spine, enabling the back to cope with additional pressure.
Post-natal yoga in the form of pranayama and Yogic breathing can help mothers recover quickly post-delivery, restore firmness in their muscle fibers and increase lactation.
Research has shown that women who habitually practice yoga tend to have better sex lives.
Regular yoga classes bring you into the awareness of the present moment. The more present you can become with your partner, the better the experience will be for both of you.
Yoga & sex both benefit your mental, physical and emotional state. Yoga poses that directly benefit in improving your sex life are cat & cow pose, supine twists, bridge pose, frog & boat poses, cobra pose, etc.
Yogic practices go a long way in pain management – fibromyalgia, migraine, low back pain, and many other types of chronic pain conditions.
Here are some specific poses that can help with joint pain:
- Chronic back pain – Daily online yoga classes for women can help strengthen the back and prevent back pain. Some poses that can be used for relieving back pain include the cobra pose, cat pose, dolphin plank pose, cow pose, and downward-facing dog pose.
- Shoulder pain – Several poses can help relieve shoulder pain, viz. eagle pose, bow pose, cat pose, dolphin pose, half-moon pose & plow pose.
- Knee pain – Yoga for knee pain relief include poses like bound angle pose, big toe pose, bridge pose & extended triangle pose.
- Hip pain – Specific poses that can help loosen the hip and alleviate hip pain are boat pose, big toe pose, child’s pose, cat pose, and easy pose.
Proper yoga asanas can even help relieve severe back and neck pains.
It is believed that since ancient times that regular yoga practice helps maintain general endocrine functions and helps slow the symptoms of aging.
Endocrinal system of the body is very important as all hormonal secretions are controlled and secreted with the help of this system.
Yoga poses pressurize and depressurize specific glands and these subtle compression and decompression can regulate the secretions.
Poses like Sirs asana, standing forward bend help increase blood flow to the brain which improves the functioning of the brain, the pituitary and the pineal gland. Poses like Setu Band asana and Bhujangasana will stimulate testes and ovaries.
Poses like shoulder stand & Hal asana improve the functioning of thyroid and parathyroid gland.
The heart is the most vital organ responsible for pumping blood throughout the body. Practicing yoga daily is one of the best ways to take care of your heart. Yoga helps manage stress, anxiety and lower the risk of depression which is very vital for the health of the heart. The five asanas considered best for the heart are:
- Half spinal twist pose
- Extended triangle pose
- Seated forward bend pose
- Cow face pose
- Bridge pose
Metabolism of the body is like a car’s engine that can make or break it’s mileage. Yoga asanas can boost your metabolism, help manage weight better, tone up the body, and improve your sleep cycle. Yoga has ways to trick your body into burning the extra calories out of existence.
It works on you from the inside-out, at various levels and helps you achieve the body-mind balance. So, while you can relieve stress and experience bliss, you can also focus on creating lean muscle mass with daily online yoga classes for women. Specific poses to improve metabolism are:
- Surya-Namaskar
- Locust pose
- Boat pose
- Shoulder stand
- Bow pose &
- Bridge pose
Studies and statistics say that women are nearly twice as likely to be diagnosed with an anxiety disorder. Stress is something that we experience naturally.
When it comes to anxiety and stress, yoga really can be magical. Here’s how:
If you begin your day feeling relaxed, it’s harder for life’s any unforeseen event to stress you out. Do an online yoga session in the morning, followed by brief meditation. Practicing slow poses allow you to deeply stretch out the hips help ease any stress that may have stuck around from the previous days. Anxiety likes to sit within your hip crease, so when you stretch them out, you release the unwanted stress from your body.
The meditation is important because you learn to hone “mindfulness.” Mindfulness is about being in the moment and thinking of nothing else. Yogic breathing throughout meditation will help you focus. When you can master mindfulness, you won’t need to worry about becoming anxious under unexpected challenges. When you stay calm, you are more capable of fixing the problem. It all starts with the yoga poses that promote the peace within.
Diabetes is one of the most common diseases and major causes of deaths in the world today. Practicing yoga is not a solution for diabetes or any other related disease. But it helps in avoiding the side effects of the problem and stay healthy for a longer period of time.
Yoga asanas and meditation help keeping diabetes and high blood pressure under control.
Below are four specific poses with their associated benefits that help managing diabetes:
- Vrikshasana
Helps stimulate the hormonal secretion of the pancreas. - Dhanurasana (Bow pose)
Improves the functioning of pancreas and intestines thus controlling the blood sugar levels. Organs like liver, pancreas, and enzyme producing organs will function actively by practicing this yoga asana. - Hal asana (Plough Pose)
It stimulates the pancreas, spleen and activates the immune system by massaging all the internal organs. It improves functioning of the kidney and liver and strengthens the abdominal muscles. - Ardha Matsyendrasana (Half Twist Pose)
This asana massages the kidneys, pancreas, small intestines, gall bladder and liver thus stimulating the digestion process and squeezing out toxins. It also increases the elasticity of the spine and tones up the spinal nerves.
Yoga does more than burn calories and tone muscles. It's a total mind-body workout that combines stretching & strengthening poses with deep breathing and meditation.
Yogic asanas give a complete workout to the entire body and this is seldom possible from any other workout system. Daily online yoga classes for ladies improve their strength, balance and flexibility. It enhances the internal organs by providing sufficient oxygen to different cells of the body.
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