Meditation Anytime
Take a seat, Start Meditation
Be aware of the place where you are sitting, be it workplace, your home, bus station, airport or wherever you are.
Drop the eyelids or keep the eyes open depending on the location where you are.
Relax your eyebrows, forehead and all your facial muscles.
Next, relax your shoulders; keep the back straight as far as possible.
Let go of all the thoughts in the mind.
Now gently be aware of your breathing. Bring your awareness to nasal passage.
Mentally observe the inhalation and exhalation of the breath.
Also feel the flow & touch of the breath at the inner walls of the nostrils.
Breathe gently, slowly and in a relaxed manner. In short, a smooth breathing without a jerk or break between the breaths is ideal.
Simply observing the breath will slow down the breathing process. While breathing thinking of your Lords name or a sacred mantra in the mind, will also do wonders.
A breath in and our is one cycle. Continue this with more cycles.
Observe how the mind has become calm and relaxed by just observing your breath, your life force.
Also observe your breathing rate having slowed down when there were no thoughts in the mind.
Now without breaking the flow, slowly open your eyes and continue feeling the breath even with your eyes open.
Make a resolution to adopt this meditation quieten the technique mind, whenever necessary.
A calm mind is able to focus better when done repeatedly the mind will develop its habit and rediscover its original calm nature.

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